Business and finance
BTEC National Business Unit 17 - Digital Marketing - Learning Aim C
Included in these lesson resources are:
Detailed presentation for Learning Aim C1 – Marketing Planning Process and Learning Aim C2 – Integration in the wider marketing and promotional mix
Template for completing a marketing report as a practice run for Learning Aim C Assignment.
Please find a list of the other resources for this unit also attached for ease of location.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - 31 & 32: SWOT & PEST
Resources for two lessons.
Attached: a presentation for the SWOT lesson, and presentation for the PEST lesson.
The worksheets for the activity feature businesses close to our school, but the documents are editable so that you can change these to businesses near your own school.
Classification of business
A5 worksheet with wordsearch and space to write in definitions.
Use as starter/plenary/revision card.
BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – B1: Management and leadership styles
1 x presentation
1 x group activity which can be used to create a wall display if you like too.
Obvs if you don’t agree with the people I’ve chosen in the activity, you’ll need to swap the photos to people of your choice. (sorry - yes, I did put Kim on the same page as Warren!!! and Debs with Bill - I’d love suggestions of some better alternatives and I will change)
: )
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 16: Statement of comprehensive income
A selection of resources for a teaching Statement of Comprehensive Income.
There’s a detailed presentation with an associated worksheet of 6 pages. In addition to this, there’s a homework booklet of 8 pages - this is designed for reducing and making into an A5 sized folded booklet - to save the trees : )
A separate 8 page document gives the answers to the homework booklet, so you can put it onto Google Classroom and the students can mark their own / each other’s work, or you can display it on the IWB - up to you.
There is also a test for the previous lesson’s topic (Assets and Liabilities) and the answers, because the presentation makes reference to it, but you can either choose to discard it and delete the slides that refer to it on the presentation - or you could get the resources for Assets and Liabilities, by searching for them on this site ; )
The presentation makes reference to two YouTube video clips - one includes info about ratios, but the speaker notes indicates when it should be stopped so that you only show the relevant section for this lesson.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 18, 19 & 20: Profitability, Liquidity, Ratios
This is a bundle of resources for three full lessons, plus a test for the end of Learning Aim B:
18 - Profitability & liquidity
19 - Profitability ratios
20 - Liquidity ratios
For each of the three lessons there is a detailed lesson presentation,
The start of the presentation for lesson 18 makes reference to a homework booklet from the previous lesson at the start, which I have left there just in case you also have the lesson 17 resources and have used the the previous lesson. If not, then delete the first two slides of the lesson 18 presentation (when you see it, you’ll understand what I mean!).
Lesson 19 (Profitability ratios) has a two page worksheet to accompany the presentation and an additional task on a separate sheet that is based on a past exam question.
Lesson 20 (Liquidity ratios) has a two page worksheet to accompany the presentation and refers to a great YouTube video clip (which has a long gap at the start, but bear with it, because once it gets going, it is very relevant and clearly conveyed.
Summary – Nature of Business & Ownership
Flash presentation (interactive, rather than advancing automatically). Use in class, or upload to your MLE as a reminder of the issues pupils have been addressed in their coursework.
John Lewis - Customer Service (.swf file)
.swf file to add to your MLE, or display in class.
Good for BTEC First for Unit 2 - can be developed for Distinction level work.
At almost 7 mins it's a bit long, but it covers the main points.
This resource is also supported by the 3 John Lewis worksheets I have uploaded - which go with the recently aired TV series.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 17: Statement of financial position
This set of resources for teaching Statement of Financial Position is sufficient for a double lesson.
There is a lengthy presentation of 30 slides, with lots of different activities and small tests.
To go with this there are 6 pages of worksheets. In addition, there is an 8 page homework booklet, which is designed to be reduced and printed to create A5-sized booklets… to save the trees : )
There is a separate document that has the answers for the homework booklet, which can be added to your Google Classroom / VLE so that students can mark their own / a partner’s homework booklet, or you can display it on the IWB - up to you.
Some of the tasks are designed as quick tests and the presentation displays a mini-whiteboard, but if you don’t have any, then just use lined paper, or exercise books if you favour them.
One task makes reference to a YouTube video clip - there is an associated worksheet, but you will probably need to pause the clip a few times to allow students to write in the answers.
The tasks move from being very supported to more independent throughout the lesson/s.
Some parts of the content has been re-recycled so many times from the various resources that I have gathered over the years, that I know it includes bits inspired by other resources that were not originally created by me, but I have no idea any more where it came from to give credit.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - stuff to help start off Task 2 (P3)
This lesson focuses on thinking of customer needs, wants and desires in the two enterprises that students have selected to write about and methods an enterprise might use to gather this information,
It is designed to prepare them to start of Task 2 - ( P3).
There is a lot of questioning built in, with 3 sheets designed for students to make notes of their own ideas and to add to these as the lesson progresses.
BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 - A3: Business Culture (inc LA: A practice assessment tasks)
1 x lesson presentation
3 x worksheets / activity cards
The additional resources (3a…) are for the Learning Aim A practice assessment lesson and are based on the textbook, but are presented here in an easy to use/display format and suitable for addition to Google Classroom.
All in all, sufficient for more than one lesson.
BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – B2 Management leadership skills (inc LA: B assessment tasks)
1 x lesson presentation
1 x pair presentation task (to work as shared doc on Google Classroom, but could be an individual task)
1 x worksheet (enlarge to A3 if using as pair task)
The additional resources (5a…) are for the Learning Aim B practice assessment lesson and are based on the textbook, but are presented here in an easy to use/display format and suitable for addition to Google Classroom.
All in all, sufficient for more than one lesson.
BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – C2: Human Resource Planning
1 x presentation
1 x worksheet
The additional resources (7a…) are for the Learning Aim C practice assessment lesson and are based on the textbook, but are presented here in an easy to use/display format and suitable for addition to Google Classroom.
Sufficient for at least 2 lessons.
BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – E1: Managing change (inc LA: E practice assessment tasks)
1 x presentation
2 x worksheets
The additional resources (12a…) are for the Learning Aim E practice assessment lesson and are based on the textbook, but are presented here in an easy to use/display format and suitable for addition to Google Classroom.
Mission Statements and Aims
Mission Statements and Aims from 12 organisations with the intention that pupils conduct research to find the objectives set by each organisation that help meet the Aims and fulfil the Mission. (two on a page - cut to A5).
Preceded by blanks in case you want to start by getting pupils to guess what Mission Statements and Aims are as a starter.
Could print back-to-back (blank & non-blank) with different organisations on either side so that pupils can share correct answers with each other after initial activity.
PLEASE NOTE: This document was created in 2010 and whilst it still has relevance as an activity, the 12 organisations have surely made some changes in their missions & aims??!!
As this has been my most downloaded activity, with people downloading it in large numbers right up to summer 2019, I will make it one of my jobs to make an updated version before the end of 2019.
BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 - A1: Definitions of management and leadership
Resources for the whole of A1:
worksheets x 3
Sufficient for more than one lesson.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - 33 & 34: Measuring the success of an SME
Resources for the last two lessons of Component 1, including both lesson presentations, worksheets, data sheet, and topic confidence rating sheet.
The worksheet for lesson 34 features businesses local to our school, but the document is editable so that you can swap these to businesses near to your own school.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - stuff to help with D1 (internal & external factors ...)
These resources are designed for planning the D1 aspect of Component 1 courswork.
Some of these make mention of businesses local to our school, but I have left these in so that you have the choice to ignore/delete those bits, or to edit them to reflect businesses closer to your school.
There are three presentations and worksheets to go with them for the students to make notes. They are sufficient for 2 or 3 lessons.
BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – D2: Techniques to meet skills requirements
1 x presentation
1 x HW instructions (based on Revision Book - but w/s can be put on Google Classroom… or printed off for hard copy)
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - Cover Sheets for coursework
Two versions of cover sheets for Component 1 coursework folders to provide students with the assessment criteria and to tick off work as it gets done.
Both have explanatory text / guidance on the back to help the students understand - in one case, the bigger picture, and in the other case, the nature of the work they must produce for each task.